About W4M

W4M's vision is to provide a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) solution that, together with the record vendors, creates an integrated workflow on the use of medical images at veterinarians and chiropractors.
W4M stands for "Warehouse For Media" - and was founded in 2010. The personal contact with the senior excutives of J4Care in Austria was established more than 20 years ago - and has always had the storage and display of medical images as the focal point. In spring 2010 - some years after the foundation of J4Care - there was an opportunity to make the first two PACS installations at chiropractic clinics in Norway, and the first PACS installation at an animal hospital in Denmark. Since then, it has emerged especially in the veterinary field, where W4M and it's sistercompany CP Nordic today is the largest PACS supplier to Nordic veterinarians with more than 200 clinics and where CloudPACS has long passed 700,000 studies - and is well on its way to the 800,000. The number of images stored in CloudPACS is more than 65 millions.